Last nerve....hanging by a thread

This f*&&^*%^ interlock is seriously treading on my last nerve!!! After departing the airplane from a weekend with my family to attend my little brother's wedding, exhausted and only thinking about getting in my bed, my interlock decides to test my non existent patience. When I got into my car last night the interlock alarm went off and instead of telling me to blow there is a message scrolling across the screen, as follows:
"Recalibration needed, 4 days, 6 hours 22 minutes".....while this is scrolling the alarm is blaring at me. WHAT THE FUCK???? Does it think I did not hear the first alarm? I cant start the car without looking at it, why is it still going off? I finally get it to calm down, and I blow as usual and start my car.....nightmare. So I drive home...nothing exciting...etc.
When I get into my driveway, I turn my car off and to my surprise (and I mean pee in your pants traumatized) the alarm goes off again...and LOUD...same jackass message scrolls across the screen "Recalibration needed, 4 days,  5 hours, 38 , minutes" ...This now happens every time I start the car AND turn it off. MF'er.
This has got to be a seems that everyday there is a new annoying as shit, fucked up, situation going on with this device. Who the hell invented this thing?? I am going to google this bastard right now, and I do believe that I will be acquitted on an insanity plea. Dammittt!!!!!!


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