Is ANYONE accountable???

My travel permit.....that's all I want....So let's start from the beginning....

Day 1 that I went to see my probation officer, I let her know that I would be traveling internationally during the month of July. She informed me that I would need a travel order to get this permit I had to do two things, first I had to go downtown and pay for my DIVERT class, second I had to sign up for community service. I did both of these while on vacation.
I also woke up very early and drove downtown to do these two requested duties two days in a row. So, being very proud of myself for completing my task, I assume this was a straight shot to receiving my travel permit...yeay me!!
That same week I email my P.O. to tell her that I did exactly what she said, and I received an email back saying "Thanks, Paige. You should come down to the office July 11 to pick up your permit."
My response was" Great, thank you. I will see you July 11th unless you let me know otherwise."
I sent that response for two reasons:
1. I wanted her to know that I was going to be there July 11th
2. So she would CONTACT me if something came up where I would not be able to get said permit. Easy enough, right?

This morning I woke up at 5:45 am in order to be at the P.O. office by 7:15-7:30...I woke my daughter earlier than usual (this is not fun and almost enough to just not get the permit at all) to drop her at school so that I could get on my way to my PO.
I was at the office by 7:15, I signed in and let the reception know I was there to pick up my travel permit AND pay $600.00 that was not due, but thought it was a good idea to show I am willing to suffer for my crime.
After waiting for 2 hours, I finally am ushered in by another probation officer.....he begins to tell me that my PO had a "personal" emergency and was not in at the moment. He then proceeds to go through my file and fill out the travel permit information.
So lets get this straight.....not only is she not there, she hasn't even filled the freaking thing out???!!! WTF???
I'm not a genius by any means, but did this chic just flake on me? Unbelievable. I know I committed a crime, but I just wasted a work morning and two others to do EXACTLY what I was supposed to do and she cant fill out a simple form and have it waiting? WOW, what have we done to our society? I am actually loving this because there is no possibility that I will not make a huge stink about this once this is all over. I can not with a clear conscious let this not be common knowledge.
On the bright side, the gentleman I had helping me was really nice and signed my permit etc.

On the dark side, I have to submit a hair follicle test when I come back that consist giving them $225.00 and cutting 6 strands of hair, this will be a  5 panel and ETG test.
The 5 panel is to test for ANY drugs (I live clean so this is a waste of money)
The ETG test is to show any alcohol that has been ingested. (I've stopped drinking so this is another waste)
I am only bothered by this test because of the cost AND the fact that they will now know every and any substance (illegal or prescription) that I have had in the past 10 years. Fun.

So folks, again the legal system/civil servants have failed to live up to expectation....which right now should be zero to negative. Fail.

Oh and guess what the guy said to me as I was leaving......"Dont worry, it will all be over soon." <smile>
Karma was filing her nails in the corner.


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