Slice and snip....

My first bout with community service began this weekend and 7:30am on Saturday. Usually a day for hard working people to relax or spend time with family, I had the luxury of waking up early and spending the afternoon at the local Spay n' Neuter clinic to endure 8 hours of my 16 required community service. Yeay. The day goes as follows:
I arrive at the S&N clinic at 7:30am, I notice a line outside of the clinic and realized that there are a lot of people who have appointments this blistering morning. Walking into the clinic lots of barking dogs and very frightened cats, I was unusually excited about my afternoon watching and learning the ways around a vet clinic. I love animals, as well as, science so this seemed to be the perfect fit. I patiently waited as the animals went first in line and when most of the people were seated filling out paper work I approached the desk and quietly said "Hello, I'm here to do my community service." The response by the blue haired (literally) nose/eyebrow/lip pierced girl was, "You have to come back at 9, we don't allow any of you to come in until 9." Again, as I have stated in previous posts, the gentlemen I spoke to last week informed me that I should be there early.....never anything about 9am. Just another fuck you from the DIVERT program I assume.....anyway, said gentleman happen to be at the desk and let me know that he would sign me in at 7:30am since I was already there. YEAY!!! So, at this point I'm thinking this is going to turn out to be a pretty good day.....WRONG!
After signing in, we are brought to the back where the "employees" are stashed, shown the basic areas of the clinic that we will be working in and meet some of the staff that are going to push us around for the day. The first person we met today was....ok I don't remember her name but she was really sweet...I will call her Ms. M, the second person was Mario..he is another probationer but he's a long timer...he has over 500 hours left to work. NIGHTMARE!!! I would go out of my mind just thinking about doing that many community service hours.....anyway, Mario was very helpful, he gave us the low down on the clinic. First Mario pointed out the various security cameras that evil Kym watches to make sure no one is just standing around. Another person we were warned about was the fat lady in bright pink. I don't remember her name either but she was a serious bitch. This is the type of person who lives to make others miserable, I don't know what goes on when she leaves her workplace, I have no clue what tortured childhood she had, but it must be something awful because she is a mean bitch.
Mario told us to unfold newspapers, these are used to line the bottom of the cages when the dogs and cats are in and out of surgery....we did this for about 3 hours....3 long hours. Then we were asked to take the syringes out of the package, tighten the tip and then return them to the box....we did this for about 2-1/2 hours. We learned very quickly that slow is key....unfortunately I do not work on slow...just not the way I operate, so it was a very frustrating afternoon. If you did not have something to do, try to look like you are busy.....or as Ms. M says "Sargent Pepper is coming and she is on a rampage" (this btw is Fat bright pink lady) not comforting at all, especially on your first day. So let me just explain my day:
    Start of day, clean windows in front of clinic, unfold newspapers while dogs bark incessantly...realize large dog in cage has diarrhea and the smell is gagging me something unbelievable....clean each bathroom, including toilet, sink, and floor. By this time the Indian girl who reminds me of the chic on the Office shows up, she's been here before and knows the flow, she has her spot in the laundry area and washing the instruments....she doesn't let anyone do her job, and she yells at the barking dogs...lets call her Shari (I just like the name). Mid morning, remove syringes from box, return to box....stench of dog poop still pungent in the air....clean each bathroom again in order to remove myself from stench, dogs still barking. Noon, sweep floors, unfold newspapers, clean bathrooms......keeping busy...notice fat bright pink lady starting to stare. 1:00pm, Ms. M tells me to clean the instruments used for the spay and neuter, with no gloves...I almost vomit. 1:10pm, clean bathroom in order to escape stare of fat bright pink lady. 1:30pm, decide I'm starving and run (literally) next door to Starbucks and grab a sandwich and water, stuff half of sandwich in mouth and return to surgery area.
anything to not clean baseboards so I made friends with her and Ms. M. Good call on my part because they eased up and let me fold....whew. By 3:00pm, there was basically nothing to do, I swept again and cleaned all the could have eaten off the toilet I cleaned it so many damn times. I started to notice a theme throughout the day, the men/boys who were in there were not disturbed by fatty....she never gave them hard chores....they were mostly in charge of removing newspaper from the kennels or cleaning the doors on the cages. While I was finishing up I noticed fatty and one of the "boys" in the surgery area and she had him cleaning the tables, he said to her, "Oh do you need me to clean the baseboards as well?" and she said, "No that's ok, we have a girl here to do it." Son of a.........luckily Ms. M gave me a masking tape project to work on so I just kept my eyes forward. What a freaking 3:25pm I grabbed my things and stood in the bathroom for 5 minutes just so I didn't have to do another disgusting chore for fatty.....this program has yet to have a dull moment.
Community Service: 8 hours done
                                  8 hours to go.
I think next weekend I am just going to do 4, I'm afraid of what might happen if I attempt another 8....could possible scalpel someone over who gets to fold the next set of towels.

Almost over......4 more moths.......


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