Knowledge is power.....or is it???

Tomorrow is the date for my DIVERT class from 9-6pm. Yes, that is correct, it is 9 hours long. This means that not only did I have to pay for this thing that I don't want to attend but it is technically longer than my average work day. This should be great fun. This is what I know of this class so far, you MUST be there at the allotted 9am, you WILL NOT be allowed into the class if you are at all late...that means at 9:01 your locked out and you have to register and pay the $65.00 again to attend another class. Seems pretty shitty to me, but hey that's the government for ya. So I envision this class for 9 long be videos, lectures, handouts, on why you should not drink, use drugs etc. I cant wait to see the motley crew that comes to this thing, seriously this is a joke....Oh and we have to bring our lunch....what do they think we are going to do, leave for lunch and go have a drink or shoot up? The fact that I will have more useless information to fill the barely there space left in my brain on the "evils of drinking" makes me really want to find the nearest bridge and take a nice swan dive.....but I will try and be positive.
I am almost positive these assholes are going to make us take a test at the end with some random question that only the facilitator knows, just to see if anyone was actually paying attention. This means no actual studying for me....although I will probably take my REAL life with me in order to not waste the entire 9 hours of my life.
Oh yes of course no cell phones. Awesome.
What was that saying again, "It will all be over soon."......uh huh.


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