Slow and steady wins the race....

It's been 4 months since I started my DIVERT program. I have 3 more months with my interlock on my car and 8 more months on the actual program until my charges are dismissed. I actually didn't think I would make it this far when I began the program. The interlock itself made me crazy, I just couldn't figure out how I was going to live with that in my car for an entire half of a year, but I've been lucky so far. I kept my license, which is something that I was very worried about. I only have 4 hours of community service left that I will do this weekend. The only thing weighing on my mind is my hair follicle test, I have not heard anything at this point. The worst thing that could happen is I would be kicked out of the program or have a  scram device put on my ankle which would be pretty bad. I'm thinking positive but its definitely something I keep waiting to hear about. This week I'm going to get my drivers licence back, the county destroys the actual license when they take it from you so I have to go get a brand new one, which means a better picture :)
Through this entire experience I have learned several things,
1. Do NOT drink and drive. After hearing some other stories and going through the class, you can get a DWI by having ONE drink. And several thousand dollars later you will regret getting in your car after that ONE.
2. The state and district attorney are out for one thing MONEY, this program is supposed to be designed to rehabilitate people who are doesn't even come close to rehabilitation. How can you rehabilitate with zero tolerance? Everyone knows that addicts is a process not a fix. All the surcharges, add-ons, payments to the city/county for each and every thing that we have to do is the reason that most people are on DIVERT or have been arrested for a DWI. I am not saying that some cases are not legitimate, but most are not. Clean records and first time offenders are inundating this program when it should actually be for second and third time offenders who have a problem with alcohol. The DA has hair follicle tests for people on a DWI program??? Why? There are no drug offenses on record, so why make someone pay 250.00 for a test that will come back negative? Because the county gets a kick back. I have spoken to more people about this and everyone agrees. It's all about the money. The longer the probation period the more money gets handed over to the county.
3. NEVER believe that your probation officer or anyone else who works for the county is your friend. NEVER. I have witnessed people telling their PO personal details and things that are not relevant to their case and the PO used it against their client. When you are in the counties possession, you are not human. They treat you as though you are not a person, you have committed a crime and should not only pay but be dehumanized as well.

I will let the judge know how I feel after he has signed off on my paper work and put his red stamp on my record saying DISMISSED. Someone should stand up for the people who are treated unfairly, I guess I will be the first.


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