Continuing insanity

Hi All,

For some reason I can find the new posts or questions that people are asking, so if there is something you are confused about please ask it here.
I know the program has changed and is probably even more irrational then when I was in it, but hang in doesn't last forever and you will honestly forget about the fucked up system once you are finished. Please do not hesitate to ask any question you might have, if I do not know the answer I will find out.

Cheers x


  1. Did you have your divert program expunged from your record? I am in the process of finding new employment and am unclear on whether it shows up on background checks.

    1. Hi, no i never did. I know that if you search for my DWI it does not show up for employers only police officers etc. I've even had criminal history searched by strict volunteer associations and nothing has been discovered.

  2. I Have had my interlock on for 5 months now and I just got Into the program. Will that be favorable on my time served or will it be overlooked?

    1. They should tack that on with time that you have left, so you should only have it for a couple more months if that is your agreement, I only had 6 months of interlock. Definitely ask your attorney or read through your paperwork.
      Hope that helps.
      Cheers x

  3. Hello I'm going to start my dwi pti program 9/19 I guess I'm wondering how often did you have to do a urine test ? Like how random was it or was it like once a month? Also did they just have you doing a urine test or did they make u do a blood or hair follicle test at some point during your program? Thanks

    1. Hi, UA was every month when I visit my PO. only urine, the only time I had to submit a follicle is when I left the country on vacation.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hello, I'm currently in pti, had breathalyzer in car since last February but didn't start pti til November. Anyway I'm almost done with all my classes and have had clean uas. Anyway last Sunday I woke up late and blew a .01 in my car(my car turned on but I turned it off and waited 30min then blew .00) and I remember in orientation that if any violation or warning occurs we would talk about it next time. I have a visit soon and I know I made a mistake and want to know what you think if either they will trip or just Give me a warning?

    1. They also told me by may I would be able to get it out since that's the 6 month mark in the program and the time before that doesn't matter. My judge really didn't like me, making me wait for so long to enter the program only because I was suppose to go to trial but the hurricane happened. When she signed me in the program finally she told me you better not screw this up or I'm going to make your life miserable.

    2. Like I dnt mind doing a urine test but if they try to make me do a hair test I'll be screwed.

    3. I forgot to mention this is my first offense. No priors, sorry for writing alot.

    4. As for the 6 months, you need to have your attorney speak to the DA about removing it. The judge won't do anything unless the DA recommends it. Make your attorney file stating the hurricane interfeared with the case. Just keep on him/her or you won't get anywhere. The system is very broken. Hope that helps.
      Cheers xx

    5. My CSO is a nightmare, my court date is in April and she just decided I would have to see her again the week before court because I paid my fines online last night and they didn’t post on her end by today’s appointment. She also didn’t take the interlock our at the 6mth mark it’s been a year and I have had 0 violations
      Has anyone else gone through this?

    6. Its not unusual. For some reason they either have a ton of cases and things fall through the cracks or they just don't give a shit. You MUST speak to your attorney. The judge has to order your interlock to be taken off, your CSO is just the one to submit paperwork and if your attorney files she has to do it. Don't put your life in their hands because they will blame you every time. Read through my other posts, I dealt with the same bs.
      Hope this helps some.
      Cheers xx

  6. Hi, It will come up as an error. Since you blew again just tell them you had purfume on or mouthwash. I wouldnt worry too much, this makes you crazy about the process is the scary shit that you will have that thing in your car for more time. Hope that helps. Cheers xx

  7. I think about saying mouthwash but then he may be like why would you use that if you knew your Not suppose to, I was thinking like aftershave or hairspray.
    And yes my p.o. had said in may he was going to send a letter to district attorney but him and my attorney have to go to the judge to request to take it off. But I worry because of this incident they try to push it back and like I mentioned she's not a big fan of me. She went off a state trooper police report that I was going 100mph on the freeway which was not true maybe at most 80 and when my attorney asked for a second report from the officer he later said well I don't remember much from that night but I remember I had to go 90 to catch up to him (because he was parked so he obviously had to go faster to catch up to me)

    1. Maybe you need a better attorney? I feel that your attorney should be paying attention to what is going on with your case esp with your PO. I would wait until you go to your PO visit and see if she even mentions it, sadly but thats not always the case. Mine sometimes didn't even show up for my appointments and I think she was new so I lucked out. She had no fucking clue what she was doing. The sysytem sucks so try and stick with by your guns when or if they ask you. I didn't drink through my program I was terrified so I never blew dirty. Be careful, you do not want that thing in your car for 10 years.

      Cheers xx

    2. Hello wanted to update you on my status! So I went in today for my visit and my p.o. knew I had work so I was in and out in 10minutes with no drug test and he didn't mention it at all! I was happy but then I realized something, my p.o. hasn't seen it bc the reports he can see is from mid jan to mid Feb so when I see him in April he may see it bc it was late Feb. Hopefully he doesn't ask but I really hope he doesn't ask for a hair test bc he didn't give me a u.a. today, but anyway I'm not going to drink til I can at least get this out of my car. Too risky, but anyway well see if he asks in April and if he will trip to the point of a hair test or not. Thanks for your advice and blog friend

    3. Hi, well that’s good. Sounds like you will be ok. Also, I really do not think the hair follicle will show anything unless you were blackout drunk if it’s a small amount it won’t show in my experience. I went on a trip to Europe and had a little wine and came back and it didn’t show. I will keep my hopes up for you and yes I agree that erring on the side of caution is best. Good luck!!
      Cheers xx

    4. I'm not sure in the month of February I drank like 8 times on the weekends like 6-7 drinks each time so idk if that is defined as alcoholic or blackout

    5. But since January rose were the only times I drank

    6. Honestly, I wouldnt drink. At all. Its a decision of keeping that awful thing in your car or getting it out asap. Just be careful. They will not hestitate to put more time on it.

      Cheers xx

    7. No I know that moving forward but I'm saying that prior to the. 01 that's what I've had In my system and I remember u had posted u went to a wedding and I was wondering if that amount I drank is traceable if I had to take a hair test

  8. On the day the contract is signed and you go before the judge to get accepted into the program - do you have to do a UA on that same date?

    1. No, they will not give you a UA until you are assigned a probation officer.

    2. Just to confirm - a probation officer for this is different from the bond officer correct? Once I sign the papers, I no longer have to report to my bond officer for "conditions" correct? I was arrested almost 1 year ago and have had my interlock for a little less than 12 months, from what I understand they should apply that time towards my DIVERT requirements meaning I possibly could have no interlock once I start my DIVERT?

      Your blog has been very helpful. You are doing gods work. Thanks.

    3. Hey I had interlock for 9 months before entering the program but I spoke with the csso officer and they said its irrelevant and u have to have it 6 months at least in your car while in the program and once you enter the program no more pre trial p.o. just your new csso officer

    4. Anon#2 - I appreciate your reply - when did you have to do a UA when you signed the contract? Was it a week after? 2 weeks? I'm just trying to get a rough idea. When on bond probation the UA's always took around two hours for me so I need to plan work and what not

      It's sad they didn't give you any credit for those nine months. Lifelesson - is that also your experience? I read up above that someone DID get credit for their interlock. Looking for clarification.

    5. How long does it take to be assigned a probation officer? Is it within a week? A month?

    6. My case was reset for a year and my probation officer was assigned immediately and I was told to visit my P.O. within 5 days on the North side of Houston.

      I appreciate the advice and information given by this site.

  9. Ok so brief summary, the ua at pre trial did take forever but when you sign your contract u do not have to do a ua. When u go to pti orientation you may get assigned a p.o. that day or next time they tell u to show up u will be assigned a p.o, the ua is usually once a month when u visit the p.o. in orientation u more than likely won't be tested but still come clean. On average visit to your p.o. including paying fees, us and chit chat with p.o if it's not busy u are looking at a 1.5 hour time, but if it is u can be looking at like 2.5. My advice schedule earliest or mid day

    1. I am scheduled to for court 10/2 to sign my contract for PTI. So in your experience you did not have to take a UA? Not until you have an assigned PO and go see them? Is what Im understanding.

  10. I got into the pretrial diversion program in February and had my first visit with my CSO last week. The night before, I had a glass of wine without thinking about it and I did a UA that morning when I met with her. I am worried that if they use the EtG test, it will come up positive. Do you know if they use the EtG test in Harris County? I know that the test is pretty controversial because there are many ways to get a false positive. Also, if it does come back positive, do you know what the possible repercussions might be?
    I've found this blog super helpful! Thank you for everything you do!

    1. This is a good question, and tbh I am not 100% sure. Just know this, they are not going to make you submit to a pricey test that they have to pay for. From my experience I did not have to do anything out of the ordinary until my sentencing was set by the judge which was 18 months of probation and 6 months of interlock. My UA's were with my PO and my hair follicle was only due to my trip out of the country. I hope that helps and I will ask my brother who is a DWI attorney if he knows and will get back.

      Cheers xx

    2. Hi, just an update. Turns out my UA did come back positive for alcohol. My CSO emailed me and said she needs me to tell her what happened and why it came back positive. I haven't done this yet but I need to at some point today. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm worried about what happens if I get kicked out of the program.

    3. Hey sorry to hear about that , you should never drink a week before a p.o. visit to be on the safe side, and I'm not sure how they will handle it but it is possible she will either give you a warning, extend your time with breathalyzer or program time or could kick you out if she is bitchy. Let us know what you said and her response.

    4. I ended up just telling the truth. I wrote my PO a statement saying that I definitely messed up by having a drink the night before I met with her, but it isn't an accurate reflection of my overall behavior on the program, then I listed everything I've completed so far. In the end I basically got a slap on the wrist. She didn't ask me to do a UA the next time I saw her either, but I still haven't touched a drink since. It doesn't seem worth it.

  11. Hello,
    Great blog! Not sure if this has been posted but can someone let me know how long orientation usually takes? They scheduled mine for 10am in the middle of the week, so just want to plan for work.

  12. Hello, I don’t know If this has been answered, but will they do a UA in orientation??

    1. Hey! Did they ever do a UA? Also, how’s the program going for you so far? I’d really like to connect with some people so that I can ask some questions. I go to orientation on 11/20 and after reading the contract have SO MANY questions running through my head.

    2. When I went in for my orientation, I did not have a UA. I did not meet with my officer either, although I was assigned one and told when to come back for my fist visit with them. For me it turned out to be about 2 weeks. On my first visit with my actual officer, we went over all the expectations and requirements. I feel really lucky, as it seems my officer is really kind and understanding. He also did send me out for a UA. I just had my 2nd visit with him today, and went over whats new or not this past month and did not have a UA at this visit. Good luck to all going through this nightmare!

  13. Hello! I really have found this blog to be super helpful, thank you for that! I signed my contract for the PTI program today, and I’m nervous. Going in not knowing what to expect is a pretty awful feeling. Could I possibly grab an email address from someone who is going through the program now? I don’t have specific questions.. because I don’t know what to expect! Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi, Sorry it has taken me so long to respond :( Just remember that you will be fine. Its just a process and its Harris county so you will be very frustrated at times. Whatever you need to know you can ask here. Be smart and don't drink, if you want to drink then just have 1 and def do not blow into your device. Sorry you have to go through this but trust me it will be over before you know it!

  14. I just entered my 7th month in PTI and did my first mail in yesterday. I am traveling for business next month and curious if you were ever required to have a hair follicle test? Since I meet with my PO in two months I am expecting a UA. My travel is within the USA and I no longer have a blow device. Thanks


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