Pre-Trial Diversion for Misdemeanor other than DUI

Hi All,

Wow its been a long time since I have posted anything new....yes this is a good thing. It means I'm keeping out of trouble ;)
So I've been getting more and more questions and comments on this new "divert" program which is now called Pre-Trial Diversion. From what I know and its not allot, it seems that if you have any arrest for theft or possession you can be put on this program. I believe this is a fairly new deal so there is not much I can say about it. BUT I will research and ask around so that I get the details everyone is looking for to ease the pain. If you are on this program and know ANYTHING please post it here as a guest blog post and I will put it up. You have no idea how much you will be helping everyone else and I promise you it will make your life feel more complete. So let me just say that you are not alone in all this political drama bullshit, and I will find out what the deal is with all this "new" Harris County paperwork ;-)

Cheers x


  1. This is a sample contract for the Pre-Trial Diversion program in Harris County...

  2. Currently in the process of applying through attorney and this is what I had to submit...

    The new requirements are that the packet must be submitted within 60 days of the first appearance of the Defense Counsel. And also that the packet must be submitted 7 days prior to the next setting. Other requirements are as follows:

    Defendant has never been previously arrested or a party to a criminal proceeding
    Defendant will reside in Harris County, TX for the entire one-year of the Pre-Trial Diversion
    Defendant is a US Citizen or lawful resident
    Defendant submits a Pre-Trial Diversion application containing:
    Letter stating why the defendant deserves a pre-trial diversion as opposed to deferred adjudication
    Written confession and apology
    Drug test results (if a drug case)
    School transcripts (if a student)
    Employment verification (pay stubs)
    At least two letters of recommendation from NON-FAMILY MEMBERS (stating awareness of the criminal charge and continued support)
    Evidence of treatment or community service as appropriate


  3. So today is my FINAL DAY on the Divert program and its been a very long journey. I have not had a drink in the whole of the year 2014 but now I head to court to regain my freedom. I have decided to list out the top things to do or watch out for to help someone who may have just started the program.

    1. first of all, lets face it, this program is expensive and the total cost of my program including lawyer fees was close to $10,000 ( granted i over paid for a lawyer that promised me that he could win the case because he knew the system but ended up telling me my best bet was the DPTI program..SOFAB).

    2. You need a reminder (i used google calendar) to remind you of all the dates and appointmnets because quite frankly you don't want to miss any date.

    3. DO NOT DRINK OR DO DRUGS while on the program - I was randomly tested at least twice and also had to do a hair follicle test even though my travel was local and was only gone for four days during thanksgiving. The hair follicle cost me $260 right before Christmas (OUCH!!)

    4. YOU ARE A CRIMINAL - So you have a good job and are successful and have never been in trouble but you will still have to get an OFFENDER card that you must carry with you. You will have to see a CSO monthly like a parole officer and i had three during my program. Two of them were super nice but the last one was so mean and actually told me that she made a lady who was in her 2 last days show up for a random test and she failed so she was kicked out. FYI - its New Years day and I still did not drink even though i am going to court in less than 24 hours to get my dismissal.

    1. Congratulations and thanks for the comments!

    2. Was this in Harris County?

    3. Hi Lifelesson1, were you able to get your record expunged? Did you face any hurdles? Any recommendations?

    4. I haven’t tried because it doesn’t come up in background checks and if it does it just says dismissed.

  4. I was wondering if anyone changed jobs or looked for jobs after the case was dismissed but not expunged yet. Did anything show up on your criminal background check?

    1. Hi, no it does not show up and if it does it says dismissed.

  5. It's more informative Pretrial Diversion Program Easy Pay Quick way to make a majority of your payments by credit card.Thanks for your batter article sharing.I keep in for future.

  6. Having so many issues getting the packet together for the DWI PTI. Boss insists that I use a typewriter to fill it out but only has one copy so I can't make any mistakes.... >_<

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