So close I can hear the silence......

It's almost 3 weeks until my interlock is tentatively taken out of my car. I can almost hear the silence of driving and not having to be a victim of that horrible noise any longer. Aaaahhh the simple pleasures in life that we take for granted....driving without interruption..such joy. I have one more recalibration to do that will take place next week, I think after 5-1/2 months of this thing I have finally timed it correctly so I will not have to hear the alarm shrilling twice every time I start and stop my engine....uhhhgg. So, my plan is (because you cant get it done too soon according to the "rules") I will wait until the 10th, last time it started freaking out on the if I schedule the recalibration on the 10th it takes roughly 3 days for them to process and ship the that should time it perfectly so I wont have to pull any hair out this month. Hopefully my plan will work.....I feel sad for myself that I have to put this much mental effort into something so asinine....its annoying, I could be curing cancer or something, but entire day/week has gone in to how to not be tortured by this F~ing device.
Anyway, that being said, this will be the last of that torment. December 2nd the court (let's all pray) will give me the go ahead to get it removed. I will then most likely go on to mail in monthly probation and only have to physically show up to my P.O. every three months......then the entire nightmare is over in May. Yeay!!
I still have to get my travel permits whenever I want to leave the state or the country. I don't think I will be doing much International travel since that requires a hair follicle test and they are a little too expensive for my pocket....and honestly I just do not feel like giving another dime to the state or county if I absolutely do not have to. I've made it to the home stretch and I was so determind in the beginning that I was doomed to live a life of misery and this thing would last forever...and for those of you who know me, this type of mental state should not surprise you....but yippee I made it without downing 15 zanax a day. :)
So for now, all is quiet...exactly how I want it. Silence :)


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