Too early to celebrate...???

I'm not one to celebrate early because I believe in karma and have a bit of obsessive compulsive "this might go wrong" phobia. BUT it is sooo damn close. I literally have a month left, and one PO appointment left to actually attend until I face the judge. I am super excited to get rid of this monkey....sorry monkey. The interesting thing about the "program" is that when you are paid in full and about 4 months away they pretty much leave you alone. As long as you fly under the radar and don't get arrested etc then you can relax. Although being too lax in this type of situation can be dangerous...see there's that OCD again. Anyway, my last PO appointment was cake, she didn't really even ask me for my pay stub....she mentioned that it was fine for her to use the one from last month. So I guess I've been a good probationer. :)
The one little annoying thing for me the past several months has been the bail bond office....back story...when using a bail bond office you have to check in every I have been calling them for an entire year every week. Ridiculous. Well, I got a bit lazy with calling in due to work being busy, and life in general...I know, who am I to think I should actually live my life, crazy, right.? So I forgot to call a couple of times and they tracked me down telling me how important it is to call in and make sure to check in. SERIOUSLY?? I have been calling for a year, I am almost done, do they really think I'm going to ditch?? People are so stupid!!! So anyway, keeping calm and patient...I'm still calling to check in...visit my PO in May, make sure I stay out of bank robbing this month. Celebration on its way ;-)

big cheers :)


  1. Another piece of the puzzle...having to call in every freaking week with the Bail Bond Company...what a bunch of crappola....another "thing" I am going to love getting rid of!


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